Our Services

Ease One Pay Courier Services

As a Ease One Pay courier partner, you’ll be able to provide shipping solutions for your customers. You’ll be a booking point for consumers and will cater to their needs. Base rates, excluding GST, will be given to all regions/zones. You can charge up to your business’ desired profit margin as well. We also help support our partners by providing information about popular demand centers at our partner booking points. These include educational institutions, tech parks, corporate offices and housing complexes where you could get an abundance of volume from marketing material provided by Ease One Pay.
How Does Ease One Pay Courier Services Work ?
It is a seamless and swift process where delivery personnel of Ease One Pay Courier Services will book parcels as well deliver parcel to the customer’s doorstep.

You will require the following to start your Courier Point:

No additional place/space required, The agent can work from his/her existing place/shop.

PC / Laptop with Printer and Internet connectivity.

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